Oh, hello

Welcome to my website.


Cait is the founder of the PACT Project, which focuses on repurposing and recycling packaging and mailing materials in local communities.

This is an easy way to reduce waste and save money, especially if you send a lot of packages.

 Meet Cait.

After spending too many winters in too many cold places, I decided to chase the sunshine and work remote as often as possible.

Currently headquartered in the Northeast (Norwalk, CT to be exact), I travel the globe working on branding and marketing projects, gathering inspiration from the world.

Over the past few years, I have spent time in Mexico and Central America, practicing my Spanish and learning about new cultures.


As an expert connector and an ardent curiosity seeker, I make friends wherever I go and draw connections to new environments. My superpower is my ability to connect people, and help understand and articulate their stories. I try to find the humor in everything, and attempt to make every day more enjoyable.

About Freelance Fitz & Beyond!

Freelance Fitz is an ever-evolving creative exploration, started during the summer of 2017 after a decade working in corporate America.

My agency background “classically trained” me in the art of communication, marketing, and market research. Learn more about that here.


I’m a partner at BWB, where I bring my creative and brand building expertise to entrepreneurs and small businesses.

I lead a variety of workshops, including improv and presentation skills for business.

My latest endeavor is my new soap business: Duck Duck Soap.